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Facebook: Facebook Supports Climate and Clean Energy Provisions in the Budget Reconciliation Bill

As elevated by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, science shows that the next decade will be the defining period for dramatic emissions reductions to limit the worst impacts of climate change. Facebook recognizes the urgency of climate change and is committed to help tackle this global challenge. Earlier this year we announced…



As elevated by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, science shows that the next decade will be the defining period for dramatic emissions reductions to limit the worst impacts of climate change. Facebook recognizes the urgency of climate change and is committed to help tackle this global challenge. Earlier this year we announced that our global operations are supported by 100% renewable energy and have reached net zero emissions, completing the goal we set for ourselves in 2018. We’ve already set a new goal that in 2030, we will reach net zero emissions across not only our own operations, but also our value chain. However, the work is far from over and we acknowledge that it is our responsibility to help influence policy and technology that will not only impact the carbon footprint of our business, but of the global community.

Facebook supports the United States’ goal to curb emissions as set out by the Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement. Strong, forward-thinking domestic policies that prioritize economy-wide climate and clean electricity solutions are crucial to achieving this goal. Action from both the private and public sector is needed to drive change. 

Facebook appreciates the tireless effort by members of Congress to pass meaningful legislation that will enable the US to meet its global commitment. Facebook urges Congress to ensure that strong climate and clean energy provisions are passed — including those provisions currently included in the budget reconciliation bill and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. We support legislation that encourages investment into climate and clean energy to ensure that the US continues to innovate and sets our country up for success over the next decade. We need to see federal policy enacted to make good on the Paris Agreement. Future generations are counting on it.


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Facebook: Protect Yourself Against Romance Scams this Valentine’s Day

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Ahead of Valentine’s Day and as part of our global anti-scam awareness campaign to protect people online, we’re sharing relevant tools, research and tips.


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Facebook: How to Avoid Romance Scams This Valentine’s Day

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Ahead of Valentine’s Day and as part of our global anti-scam awareness campaign to protect people online, we’re sharing relevant tools, research and tips.


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Facebook: Partnering With Artists for the AI Action Summit in Paris

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For this year’s AI Action Summit events in Paris, we partnered with artists and institutions to showcase the potential of AI as a tool for today’s creatives.


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